Monday, May 14, 2012

Black Hole in the Koran

Perhaps the most important discoveries of modern cosmology is the so-called Black Hole (black hole) that points to the stars, which are very heavy mass. An entity that passes through the star formation phase, then it expands and develops up to the death phase. Well, Black Hole is located on the last phase. When the volume of the star is evolving with a large scale, the gravity increases to the limits of a very large, so that it draws all things to light can not be separated from that of gravity.

Therefore, we may not see this thing for ever since he was very terssaljuyi. And that's why he called the Black Hole. Scientists say that this thing runs in the universe with high speed and attractive approach of any body. If we ask the astronomers to define these amazing creatures in scientific and in accordance with their most recent discoveries, then they will say:

1. Black Hole is a heavy mass stars and terssaljuyi so it can not be seen. 
2. These creatures are running at speeds of tens of thousands of kilometers per second. 
3. Black Hole pull, push, and clean every thing he encountered in his travels.

Let us now refer to the sign of the Koran on the object. He said that following the literal meaning, 'And I swear by khunnas, which runs more sweeping.' (At-Takwir: 15-16) 

Let us examine the meaning and extent of compliance with the data of modern science.
Khunnas word means something not seen forever. The word is formed from the word meaning khanasa terssaljuyi. Therefore, the devil in the letter referred to an-Nas khannas because he did not look. Said al-jawari means that walking or running. And said al-khunnas drawn from the word meaning kanasa attract and collect something close to him with great force. And this is really happening in the Black Hole, exactly as discussed al-Qur'an.

Al-Qur'an outperformed  Astronomers 

Scientists called it the Black Hole, but the naming is not right. Because the term 'Hole' means empty, and it's completely opposite of the stars that have a heavy mass. And the word 'Black' is also not scientifically, because it has no color, because he did not issue a light that can be seen. Therefore, the word is a word that describes khunnas nature of such creatures precisely. And word meaning khunnas sweep at the end of it we find scientific articles about this creature. Even the scientists said, 'It was a sweeping space. "

Facts and Figures

Regarding weight, weighing the Earth's Black Hole diameter is less than a centimeter! And Black Hole Sun was diamenternya weighing only 3 km. Subhanallah!

Black Hole size is weighed 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms, or 10 ^ 31, with a diameter of 30 km only. There are lots of Black Hole at the center of our galaxy and other galaxies, and only weighs a million times the weight of the sun.

How Scientists Seeing this thing?

How it can be seen while he did not issue a beam of light? Emerging idea of ​​a Black Hole researchers that it has a certain size, and he walked in space. He would pass in front of a star so that the light is hidden from us, such as the occurrence of solar eclipse. Once the idea was implemented and proved correct, then the scientists agree that the star's light is blocked by the passage of the Black Hole, resulting in the closing of the light beam originating from the star. It happened during a certain period, then the star is again showing its light.

The picture above shows a burst of star for all its fuel ran out, and he began to form a Black Hole (khunnas), because the energy the star is no longer enough for him to exist as a star. This is what lead to the star is fading and increased gravity. And therefore the Qur'an called it the word al-al-khunnas jawari which means that walking and running.

what would happen if the black hole goes through the earth  ?




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